2023/06/12-CFA 六月專題演講

講座 唯一場次
  • 活動日期2023-06-12 19:30 ~ 2023-06-12 21:00
  • 報名日期2023-05-29 10:00 ~ 2023-06-08 12:00
  • 活動地點 台灣台北市松江路101號4樓(升級會議中心-松江101館)
  • 主辦單位CFA Society Taiwan
  • 協辦單位FPAT社團法人臺灣理財顧問認證協會
  • 參加對象AFP/CFP®有效持證人 ↓↓↓↓↓請由下方網站報名↓↓↓↓↓↓

[CFA Society Taiwan] 


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1.點擊上方連結 登入Accupass(若新手,請先註冊唷!) 
2.票券 選擇"FPAT Member
3.填寫填寫參加人資訊(CFA ID請填寫"0")


📍 活動簡介:

CFA Society Taiwan於2016年5月首次與HKUST Business School合作,邀請學校教授擔任主講嘉賓,讓會員於工作之餘仍能透過專題演講方式,深入頗析商業案例。隨著疫情消逝,今年再次爭取到合作機會,希望GOGORO專題能引起會員的興趣。

這次演講主題Innovations and Trends on Capital Raising: Case of GOGORO,透過GOGORO case study深入頗析資本市場的趨勢與創新。


Innovations and Trends on Capital Raising: Case of GOGORO

Firms in new industries such as those providing innovative green energy solutions might face challenges in raising public capital through traditional means like IPOs. They might have too few similar comparable firms, little international analyst following, and investor familiarity with the potential of solutions that they provide. In such cases, would de-SPACs that have been growing in popularity in recent years have some advantage over the IPOs?

On September 16, 2021, Poema Global Holdings Corp. (NASDAQ: PPGH) announced it entered into a definitive merger agreement with Gogoro Inc., a Taiwan-based company, that developed the "swap & go" battery-swapping refueling platform that allowed refueling electrical vehicles (e.g. two-wheelers such as scooters and motorcycles) in seconds.

We will use a case study of Poema Global and explore the reasons behind the rise in SPACs by juxtaposing them against the traditional IPOs. By looking at the SPAC structures from the perspectives of different players in the deal (sponsors, target firms, outside investors), we will go through a simple valuation exercise and cover potential benefits and downsides involved in de-SPAC transactions. The lecture will follow an interactive format and the participants will be invited to share their opinions. Time permitting, we will also discuss other recent trends in public capital markets such as re-listings of stocks from the US exchanges to Asia.


📍 活動地點 :

  升級會議中心-松江101館(捷運松江南京站 出口4上來後直走約1分鐘)


📍 活動流程 :

 ⏰19:00 - 19:30  報到及交流互動 Registration & Network 

 ⏰19:30 - 19:35  活動開場 Opening   **此次活動邀請到協會榮譽理事 劉奕成, CFA擔任開場嘉賓** 

 ⏰19:35 - 20:35  專題演講(Keynote Speech by Professor Alminas Zaldokas)

 ⏰20:35 - 21:00  Q&A

 ⏰21:00 ~           交流互動/活動散場






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